Saturday, May 2, 2020

Impact of Culture on Your life

Question: Describecultural (or sub-cultural) elements from your own culture and what is the impact of your culture (or sub-culture) on your life. Answer: Culture is the way of people life the belief, values, behavior and symbols which they accept in their life style, normally without thinking about them and they are passed through communication and negotiation from one generation to next. (Moore 2004) Social organization, customs and traditions, religion, language, art and literature, form of government and economic systems are elements of culture. Out of these elements, we would discuss four essential elements of cultures that are following below: Religion: It is very essential elements of culture. Religion is a source of cultures dispute. Through good communication skill, we can reduce the dispute between different cultures. Different cultures people have trust on different kinds of religious. (Driskill Brenton 2010). Language: Language is a foundation of cultures. Different cultures have different kinds of spoken language which represent the culture status. Most of societies have different kinds of language people which show the unity in diversity. (Moore 2004). Form of government: Government forms to provide safe environment cultures to their civilization through fulfill common needs or desires and protect their society from outside threats. Governments have three kinds of forms that are democracy, republic and dictatorship. Economic system: Economy represents the whole environment of the country as well as their culture perspective. Economy strength shows the culture strength in the specific field of country. (Driskill Brenton 2010). Further, culture or sub-culture impacted on study, social life and work through following ways: Culture impacts on our study through language command in the specific culture. Because of language and communication skills help to interact with people in their native tone and if our command of language will poor then it would difficult for people to explain your ideas to your teacher in class and high authority in organization. However, good communication skill is a first step to create a positive working relationship. (Rosenberg Westling 2010). Culture impacts on our social life through their religion elements of the cultures. Cultures religion element creates many conflict or dispute in the society so people faced lot of difficulty in society. If we would not consider our religion behavior in the professional work then it would help to grow in our society. Culture affects our work style through economic system because different people belong to different life style culture and it would be difficult to adjust in other cultures environment. However, economy presents the variety of work style of specific culture people. (Bryan Wilson 2014). References Bryan, LK, Wilson, CA, 2014, Shaping Work-Life Culture in Higher Education: A Guide for Academic Leaders, USA: Routledge. Driskill, GW, Brenton, AL, 2010, Organizational Culture in Action: A Cultural Analysis Workbook, USA: SAGE Publications Inc. Moore, J., D., 2004, Visions of Culture: An Introduction to Anthropological Theories and Theorists, USA: Rowman Littlefield Publishers Inc. Rosenberg, MS, Westling, DL, (2010). The Impact Of Cultures On Education, view 18 January.

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